Сборная Уганды![](http://datesofbirth.ucoz.ru/_nw/11/75517281.png)
uganda football squad
Uganda outclasses Angola
GALLANT SOLDIERS: The Cranes at Namboole pitch.
They can beat Guinea Bissau. Photo by R.Kabuubi.
Сборная Уганды перед матчем со сб. Гвинеи-Бисау (март 2011 г.)
WE ARE READY: Cranes players know the task a head of them as the
team flies out for a the qualifier game in Gunea Busau.
Sekagya (R) is likely to face Guinea Bissau. PHOTO:
EDDIE CHICCO. Posted Monday, March 14 2011. Kampala.
Mwesigwa (L) celebrates with Sekagya after scoring against Angola
last September. PHOTO: EDDIE CHICCO. February 24 2011.
Bissau game is key - Obua
Obua shoots for Uganda’s opening goal against Angola last year.
PHOTO: EDDIE CHICCO. Posted Monday, March 21 2011.
the Uganda kobs u-23 starting 11 against Congo Brazzaville (2011)
Cranes players before Guinea Bissau game (2011)
(Игроки сборной Уганды перед матчем со сб. Гвинеи-Бисау)
Cranes players before Guinea Bissau game (2011)
Cranes goalkeeper Onyango, who saved a penalty in Bissau is lifted
shoulder high by fans at Entebbe. Below, coach Williamson is mobbed
by the press. Top left: Soccer fanatic Kamodo fires up the crowd with
a vuvuzela. PHOTOS: EDDIE CHICCO. Posted Tuesday, March 29 2011
* Cranes [крэйнз] - "журавли" (или "цапли"), прозвище сборной Уганды.